Stewardship: Best Kept Secret to Success

Tonya Miller Cross
2 min readJan 30, 2021

Have you ever felt in life that this can’t be it? Have you ever felt it has to be more to this life journey than mere existence? I’ll be the first to raise my hand and answer with a profound YES to both these questions. I remember being twenty-eight years old, married with three children, and becoming established in my healthcare career. I had checked many things off my “life to-do list” that I wanted to accomplish. To my surprise, I still felt unfulfilled and like something was missing.

During my regular meditation, the word stewardship kept dropping in my spirit and I felt compelled to learn as much as I could about this principle. I started with the “good steward” biblical parable found in Matthew 25:14–30. There I discovered that a steward is held accountable for what he/she do with the things committed to their care.

As I dug deeper, I also learned that I’m also responsible for how I care for the relationships I’m a part of, including the one with myself. Sadly, to say, I discovered that I had not been a good steward of my relationship with ME. I harbored unforgiveness towards myself, due to some events that happened in my life. I had to learn how to show myself grace and understand that life is full of lessons learned.

This revelation caused an amazing shift in my life. I was able to finally forgive myself and release strongholds of mental and money blocks that held me hostage. I learned that it’s OK to love me first in order to be my best for everyone else. In loving me I also had to forgive me!

Let me be clear, I still make mistakes and don’t always get it right. However, through stewardship I’ve learned to forgive myself and keep it moving. I also confront negative inward thoughts instantly and don’t let them take up residence in my mind or heart. This practice is so liberating and opens the gateway of opportunities. It positions me to receive and embrace greatness.

To learn more about my self-love and forgiveness journey, you can purchase Our Stories His Glory book anthology. My chapter is titled “Choose Life” and I share how you to can live an abundant life. Click on book name above to purchase!

Tonya Cross — Co-Author, Our Stories His Glory



Tonya Miller Cross

Author | Strategypreneur™ Coach | Accessory Designer